Rising Star Systems

Solution #1: Time Management

Goals, Vision, Planning

What it feels like: I need more time!! I need a 48 hour day to get it all done! You have so much to do and never enough time to do it. When you finally manage some time to work on your creative career, there is so much to do: practice your craft, create new […]

Solution #2: How to Create Success in the Arts and Entertainment Industry

What it feels like: This business is so complicated, ever-changing, and such a mystery. Where’s my How-To Manual for Success? How do I get myself seen, heard, read and most importantly HIRED by the right people? What about all the dangers and pitfalls I keep hearing about? Other people have succeeded in this business, how […]

Solution #3: Lack of Support for Your Dreams

What it feels like: I feel like I’m always working alone and everyone and everything around me is telling me I’ll never make it. You’re surrounded by people and messages that your art is not a Real Job. Your family/friends don’t seem to take your ambitions seriously. You don’t know how to get taken seriously […]

Solution #4: Money and Finances

What it feels like: I’m useless when it comes to money. Where does it all go? How do I budget money when I don’t know from week to week how much I’ll bring in? How do I know when I’m making enough money from my art to quit my day job? When I start thinking […]

Solution #5: Organization

What it feels like: I’m so disorganized! My desk is such a mess! I can never find what I need. Your space feels messy, cluttered and stifling You waste a lot of time hunting for things you can’t find. You have a tough time keeping track of your many ideas and projects. You don’t have […]

Solution #6: Lack of Consistency and Sustainability

What it feels like: There is no consistency to my success. I start marketing, then I get too busy to market and then opportunities begin to dry up and so I get back to marketing…. You make a commitment to working on your career and you’re good for a few days or weeks, but then […]

Solution #7: Fear of Success or Failure

What it feels like: You can’t seem to get past the first big hurdle – FEAR – It grips you like a cold metal fist in your gut. It feels like a vicious circle and you just don’t know how to break free. You’re afraid to say what you really want, because what if you […]

Solution #8: Lack of Balance

What it feels like: You’ve got nothing left. You’ve lost the joy you used to feel in the creative act. You feel so burned out you can barely stand to drag yourself to your gig and your relationships are falling apart. You pour all your time and energy into the day job that supports you […]

Solution #9: Creativity Blockage

What it feels like: You feel so blocked. When you do get a few minutes to be creative, it just doesn’t flow. You sit down to create and nothing comes, or what comes feels horrible. You have been pushing so hard and working so hard that you feel burnt out and there is nothing left […]

Solution #10: Lack of Belief

What it feels like: I don’t really believe that I can make it in this business. No matter what you do or what you accomplish, it just doesn’t “feel” good enough. That little voice on the inside keeps bringing up all your obstacles: “You don’t take your art seriously enough” “You just suck at the […]