Rising Star Systems

Debra Recommends The One Page Business Plan

for the Creative Entrepreneur by James T. Horan, Jr. I met Jim Horan when he came to speak to the Entrepreneur and Small Business Academy Meetup.  I very much enjoyed his whole approach to this most daunting of subjects. I often recommend this book to my clients. The product description on Amazon.com was perfect for […]

Debra Recommends The Magic of Thinking Big

I recommend this book with one caveat. I’ve seen clients mistake fantasy for goals. Setting goals to make $10,000/month from their music in 3 months when they’re currently barely pulling in $50 a week from their music. Yes – it is key to think big. And it’s also important to make a plan with incremental steps to reach the big picture.

Debra Recommends The ABC’s of Building a Business Team That Wins

business, administrative

Great champions in sports, business and even families have one thing in common. It’s a legitimate secret weapon. It is something that lies deep in the genetic code of winning organizations. It appears when pressure is high, when the stakes are critical and when everything is on the line. They know how to work as a team.

How to Do What you Fear

How do you take the day-to-day actions that feal scary or hard? Here are a few tips to make it easier.

How to Create a Values-Based Career

Artists MBA, Professional Program

What does that mean, really? We talk a lot about values, family values, good values – whatever. But do you really know what your values are – consciously? And how exactly do they affect your career choices and path? Your values are the basis of your self-esteem, self-confidence and how you experience the world. What could be more important?

Goals That Get Results

Artists MBA, Foundation Program

Goal setting is a skill critical to creating success in any area of your life. But expressing what you want in your life in a goal that really works can be a complex and challenging process.

Succeed in the Arts Business – an Interview with Gilli Moon

Debra Russell, Gilli Moon, Art Business Coach

This month I am privileged to interview Gilli Moon, author of the book, I Am A Professional Artist – The Key To Survival and Success in the World of the Arts. Join us for some practical steps to succeed and survive in the arts business and enjoy your artistry at the same time.

Working Smarter, Not Harder

In February, we did a call for the Artists Marketing & Business Academy called, “Create Systems – Work Smarter, Not Harder” to begin to address one of the key mistakes artists make in their business. The essence of this mistake is to think of yourself in terms of a self-employed freelancer, going from gig to […]